The right prismatic spectacles will bring an immediate and permanent end to any discomfort of vision!
Testimonial from Dr. Werner S.
Although I had experienced various pairs of glasses over a period of almost forty years, the first time I received spectacles to correct my heterophoria was virtually a revelation. I found myself in another dimension. I saw the world quite literally with “different eyes” as a whole world of spatial vision opened up to me. I can recommend this course of treatment to anyone, and have already done so within my own circle of friends.
Testimonial from Prof. Hermann G.
I have had to wear glasses for more than forty years. Despite the large number of examinations and corrections I have undergone, no one has ever tested my eyes as extensively and comprehensively as Mr. Peschlow. I had never heard of the term “heterophoria” before coming to you! I have been enjoying a whole new visual experience since you measured me for my multifocals in October 2003! Your predictions of the success which would be achieved have proved true in every respect, and I am more than satisfied.
Testimonial from the parents of Sarah F.
Until the age of 12, our daughter Sarah had been performing exceptionally well at school and had even won the school reading competition!
Unfortunately, all this changed abruptly during the spring term of Year 6. She began to stutter whilst reading and started to write letters twice or else miss them out all together. She frequently complained of headaches and could not read anything on the board unless she was sitting right at the front.
An ophthalmologist diagnosed strabismus and informed us that our daughter might even have to undergo a corrective operation at some point. We were also criticised for not noticing something like this at an earlier stage.
Because our doctor was not able to tell us why our daughter had not experienced any problems with her vision prior to entering Year 6 at the age of 12, we began to look for answers for ourselves. During the course of this research, we came across the website . The descriptions it contained provided us with a better insight into the topic, and we realised that other alternatives may be available.
We sought out Mr. Peschlow, who looked into the matter and diagnosed that Sarah was suffering from heterophoria rather than strabismus.
Sarah has stopped complaining of headaches since she has been wearing the glasses he prescribed. She is able to read well again and no longer suffers from double vision. And all this has been achieved without the need for an operation! We simply cannot understand why every ophthalmologist does not use this knowledge as a basis of treatment.
Testimonial from Margarete W. – written at the age of 11
Before I used to wear glasses, I could not read fluently even though I practised and practised. I always used to get the lines mixed up when I copied texts, and I couldn’t follow the lesson if we were reading aloud from the board. I also often had headaches.
I didn’t feel much of a change when I first got my new glasses, but after a few weeks they helped me to read much more fluently. My eyes would water if I tried reading without my glasses. After about two weeks, I had zero errors in copying from the board in English for the first time. A great experience.
Testimonial from the father of Konstantin T.
My son Konstantin was exhibiting learning difficulties in arithmetic as early as Year 1. The most likely cause was thought to be dyscalculia. The child psychologist in charge of special needs learning soon discovered that although he was suffering from a learning deficiency, dyscalculia was not the cause.
We spent the following years making our way from one specialist to the next. We saw the educational psychology service, a child psychiatrist, an occupational therapist and many other experts besides. Having examined Konstantin and conducted texts, all these specialists found him to be intelligent, alert and smart, although his performance and inability to concentrate seemed to belie this. We had also sought out three ophthalmologists, all of whom found that there was no problem with Konstantin’s eyes besides very mild short-sightedness.
Despite this, Konstantin had tremendous difficulty in interpreting mathematical symbols. He saw a plus sign as two signs, for example, a vertical and a separate horizontal line. His alarmingly poor level of performance was not, however, restricted to mathematics. His handwriting and spelling were also beyond description. Although we provided our child with plenty of support at home, success was extremely mediocre. It is difficult to imagine how gruelling and frustrating it can be if such a situation persists.
Not until Konstantin was in Year 5 at school did an osteopath who was treating him at the time recognise a possible case of heterophoria and advise us to bring our son to you. When you saw him on 4 January 2008, you immediately diagnosed that Konstantin was suffering from heterophoria and would benefit from prism spectacles. I had heard a range of view on this topic and was initially cautious. Nevertheless, there was no harm in undertaking yet a further attempt after 5 years of searching.
Konstantin received his prism glasses on 16 January 2008. The first thing he said was “Dad, I can see the outline of things! What a smooth surface the objects have!” The emotion and horror of the situation made my hair stand on end. He had only been back at school for one day when his class teacher got in touch to tell me how much his glasses had improved his writing. All the teachers at the school found a noticeable change in him, and this was something I experienced every day for myself. Konstantin stopped fidgeting and began to take sole responsibility for his homework. He settled down to work voluntarily
(even doing so with pleasure later as success began to kick in). I was speechless.
An examination conducted in December 2008 revealed that the prism spectacles had stabilised Konstantin’s eyes to such an extent that he is now able to manage with weaker prisms. What a success! I simply cannot understand why simple tests for binocular impairment are not conducted when children start school. I would not like to think how many children would gain an early benefit from such checks.
Konstantin is now producing error-free dictations, and his handwriting has become stylish and mature. It is not likely that he will ever become a mathematical genius, but that does not matter. Our family now enjoys a degree of peace and quiet it has never known, and thanks to your diagnosis (and spectacles) Konstantin is now on the right road. I would like to express my warmest thanks!
Testimonial from the mother of Jakob G.
I brought my eleven-year old son Jakob to see you in September 2007 because his visual acuity had decreased by up to 15 percent. Letters and typefaces were moving about so much before his eyes that he was no longer able to perform at the level the school required. Neither his teacher nor his ophthalmologist took his complaints about poor vision and headaches seriously. Finally, he began to suffer from a permanent headache and became depressed because he could no longer see any hope for his future.
I had read that heterophoria could be a cause of dyslexia. Nevertheless most ophthalmologists adopted an extremely dismissive attitude towards prism spectacles. I began to undertake research on the Internet and came across your site. You provided an immediate response to the e-mail I sent you, and a few telephone calls later I had genuine hope that you could help my son.
Jakob has now been wearing his new prism glasses since September 2007. These spectacles have corrected both his long-sightedness and his astigmatism. The effect was impressive. Although he has needed psychiatric treatment in the meantime, his prism spectacles have brought about a marked improvement. After a few weeks, he regained the courage to return to his old school.
When you had completed your measurements, you assured me that the prism spectacles would enable Jakob to achieve 45 percent visual acuity and that his eyes would probably recover to 65 percent visual acuity over the course of a year. After only eight months, his visual acuity has already reached 80 percent. Because he can now also see everything spatially he also enjoys playing ball games. His handwriting is no longer wobbly, and the cramp in his hand is slowly receding. He now reads quite well and makes noticeably fewer spelling mistakes.
I cannot begin to tell you how grateful we are and how much easier your professional assistance has made our lives. It is now once again possible for my son to make normal progress at school.
Many, many thanks. I hope you will be able to help many more children suffering from vision problems and enable them to succeed at school and enjoy a normal life.
Testimonial from Andreas W. from Hamburg
Hallo Mr. Peschlow. I received my new glasses from you about a week ago. Let me begin by saying that I perfectly understand why so many people are prepared to undertake the long journey to Berlin to consult you about prism spectacles. I am absolutely thrilled about the improvement in my vision.
There has been a noticeable alleviation of my vision problems, especially the difficulties I experience when driving, even though I am not used to wearing glasses. I am sure that this is not the first time you have heard one of your customers say this.
I cannot understand why more ophthalmologists did not even suggest trying prism spectacles. The usual practice is to prescribe “placebo spectacles” (+/-0,25) whilst pointing out that nothing much can be done.
All of this only increases my gratitude to you. The prism spectacles have ultimately enabled me to regain a degree of quality of life. My muscle tensions have relaxed and I am even enjoying driving again, a not inconsiderable factor for someone who loves cars!
Testimonial from a Berlin ophthalmologist
I have been working with Mr. Peschlow for a number of years, sending him patients with heterophoria so that he can correct the condition. Pressure of time means that we are not able to prepare such glasses in my surgery.
In retrospect, I would like to say that this cooperation agreement has very much proved its worth and has already enabled us to help large numbers of patients to enjoy vision free from discomfort.
Testimonial from Andrea W. from Berlin
I got my first pair of glasses at the age of 12. From this point on, I suffered from recurrent headaches, particularly at school, when I had to concentrate especially hard. I got my first pair of soft contact lenses when I was 15. By the age of 16, I was wearing hard lenses due to my congenital corneal irregularity and because of high and varying dioptric powers in either eye. My headaches disappeared, and everything seemed to be going well apart from extremely high sensitivity to light in both eyes. In my early thirties, I noticed a deterioration in my vision and I began to suffer from double vision and, once again, headaches.
At that time, I came across Mr. Jürgen Peschlow, who advised the prescription of glasses which, in his words, would enable me to see in a relaxed fashion and without stress. He told me that the inclusion of prisms in my spectacles would refract the light in a different way, thus helping the eyes to relax. The result would be that I would enjoy good vision without headaches. I did not believe him at the time having spent years going from one ophthalmologist and optician to the next without success.
Feeling I had nothing to lose, I allowed Mr. Peschlow to conduct his measurements and adaptations and waited with excitement for the result. I remained sceptical when the new glasses were ready. After all, I would now have to do without my contact lenses and once again face the world as a wearer of spectacles. As things turned out, however, this did not worry me for long. The fact that I could finally see well and no longer suffered from headaches was simply sensational.
I have now been wearing prism spectacles for 8 years and am still enjoying good vision without headaches. Whenever I meet someone looked for a skilled and committed optician I always recommend the “Augenoptiker am Adenauerplatz”, Mr. Jürgen Peschlow.
Testimonial from the mother of Till R.
Correcting my son’s heterophoria turned out to be a real stroke of luck. It has brought about a great change in his behaviour, and he has calmed down a lot and become much more evenly tempered. He has also improved considerably in his performance at school. Although he still has spelling problems from the time before his eyesight was corrected and this is something we still need to address, in overall terms things are moving in the right direction.
The correction of the heterophoria coincided with the time at which he began to learn English at school. The fact that his heterophoria was corrected meant that he experienced hardly any problems in spelling and was able to store the English words correctly in his memory straightaway.
There has also been a pleasant change to the daily battle surrounding homework. My son now enjoys reading. He has been recommended for grammar school, something which I am sure he would not have achieved without the benefit of your knowledge.
Testimonial from the parents of Fiona R.
Our daughter Fiona underwent an eyesight test when she went to a paediatrician for a routine examination. Because of the difficulties she experienced, she was referred to an ophthalmologist who diagnosed severe long-sightedness. Our daughter was very good about wearing her glasses. We were astonished when she told us that she did not see any differently with spectacles than she did without. Fiona has problems painting. She was not, for example, able to draw a triangle. She could only connect the base to the top by drawing an unnecessary curved line. Even this often failed to meet the apex of the triangle. Fiona also frequently stumbled and was generally clumsy.
When she began school, her teacher drew our attention to the fact that our daughter was not able to get her letters onto the correct lines. Fiona was also experiencing problems in reading because she often confused the letters. The teacher indicated to us that she may be suffering from a binocular impairment. Mr. Peschlow was able to confirm this supposition.
When our daughter put on her prism spectacles for the first time, she felt herself transported into another world. She was speechless as she looked around. Putting on the glasses had changed her sight. She provided impressive evidence of this later in the evening when we took off the glasses as she went to bed. “I can’t see anything now”, she protested.
Our daughter’s handwriting very quickly improved once she was wearing the corrective spectacles. She no longer had any problems in keeping to the right lines. She has also stopped stumbling. All of this only went to confirm to us the great success which had been achieved in correcting her heterophoria.
We would also like to point out that our daughter was diagnosed with developmental dyspraxia at the age of 6. This may be connected to her binocular impairment. She is undergoing INPP treatment, and both this and wearing the right glasses are enabling her to make further progress with her motor abilities. We received these two diagnoses at virtually the same time, and this has helped us understand a number of problems (crying baby, clumsiness, late learning to draw and paint, infections etc.).
We very much regret the fact that neither the ophthalmologist nor the paediatrician indicated that a test for heterophoria could take place. We would never have found our way to Mr. Peschlow without Fiona‘s class teacher, since we had never heard of “heterophoria”.
Testimonial from Markus G. from 5 April 2004
In the form of a letter sent to the Berlin/Brandenburg radio station RBB
Dear Quivive Team, maybe you could broadcast a report to help people who are still struggling with their glasses despite having had their visual acuity correctly measured. Many people are left to their own devices as they attempt to deal with this problem! I am sending you this letter to tell you about my own experiences. I travelled down a painful road before finally finding the correct spectacles.
I had new glasses prescribed at the beginning of 2002. They still did not help me, however, and I was troubled by strong headaches and pain in my eyes. I attempted to find out the reason for this by visiting two ophthalmologists and several opticians. The only thing which these ophthalmologists and opticians were able to tell me for certain was that my glasses had been very well corrected.
I visited another optician who had been recommended to me (October 2003) and had yet another pair of spectacles made. Although I described my problems to this optician in detail, he also only conducted a standard determination of visual acuity, a procedure which cost me 25 euro. Nevertheless, these new glasses once again caused the same headaches and pain to the eyes which I had previously been suffering.
After further ophthalmologists and opticians had been unable to help me I thought that the problem might lie with my Zeiss glasses. Previously I had always worn Rodenstock spectacles. I phoned the optician mentioned above, told him that I could no longer put up with the pain I was in and asked him to order me some new glasses from Rodenstock. During this conversation, the optician mentioned for the first time that I may need prism spectacles.
A subsequent examination showed that I was suffering from heterophoria (a muscular imbalance of the eyes). I had never heard of heterophoria until then and I am sure that many of my fellow suffers are also not familiar with the term!
Nevertheless, even this new revelation about heterophoria did not lead to a perfect correction of my spectacles. When I told the optician that I still could not see without discomfort, he simply said that making the adjustment could take 2 months and if it did not work he did not know what further action could be taken either.
I was not happy about this situation. Then I happened to come across the optician Mr. Jürgen Peschlow, being attracted towards his place of business on the Kurfürstendamm in Berlin by the large lettering of the signage in his shop window. He conducted a relatively simple measurement to confirm my binocular impairment, which he then corrected to my complete satisfaction with new prism spectacles. Since then I have been able to see without discomfort.
I simply do not understand why in a country as technologically advanced as ours it is not possible for ophthalmologists and opticians at least to conduct such measurements when a patient cannot come to terms at all with the glasses which have been made for him or her. Why do the two parties (ophthalmologists and opticians) not work together? If I had not come across Mr. Peschlow I would still be making my way from one doctor to the next and would still be in pain. I think that this is a scandal. I am happy to provide further information if required.
Testimonial from Anke S. From Berlin
I would like to take this opportunity of informing you that you have succeeded in making the correct glasses for me. The ophthalmologists I consulted did not approach my vision problems in the correct manner and failed to understand what I meant by “wanting to see better”.
The biggest problems I faced were a high degree of light sensitivity and headaches. When the weather was sunny, I had to call it a day at about lunchtime because of the pain in my eyes, my headaches and a feeling of nausea. Things were no better on dark winter days either. My ophthalmologist thought that tinted glasses would help me. This did not, however, prove to be the case.
Having received your spectacles, I can now finally see properly without having to keep my eyes half-closed in bright conditions. I can also stay outside late on sunny days. My headaches and nausea have completely gone.
Testimonial from Susanne K.
It is many years since I first came to consult you, and I cannot actually recall what vision problems I had at the time. I only know that I had a feeling I needed new glasses. You offered me a check for heterophoria whilst I was there. I can still remember that you gave me a (money-back?) guarantee on the new glasses.
What you told me seemed to make sense, and I asked you to carry out the check for heterophoria too. It is interesting to note that I have never before been offered such a test by any ophthalmologist in Germany.
The new glasses felt very comfortable straightaway. I had no problems in adjusting. Today I would not be able to cope if my heterophoria had not been corrected. I often work on the computer and have no discomforts caused by straining my eyes nor do I suffer from headaches or anything similar.
I am happy to confirm to you that no one has ever measured my eyes so well before (I have been wearing glasses for about 26 years). Up until now, I have always felt under a lot of pressure when opticians and ophthalmologists have examined my eyes. This made me uncertain as to when I was seeing something better or worse. I did not have this feeling when I came to see you. You gave me enough time, and particularly your comments helped me greatly in providing the correct information.
Testimonial from Ingrid von der W. from Brazil
Before I got glasses to correct my binocular impairment, I experienced great problems when reading, watching television, driving and so forth. In other words, during all activities requiring use of the eyes for a longer period of time.
It did not take very long at all for my eyes to begin to burn (in fact, they were constantly red), and I began to experience headaches. It was worst when conditions were bright.
I work as a teacher in a tropical country, and your corrective glasses have made my life significantly easier. I need to rely on my eyes for far in excess of 80% of my professional work (preparations, correcting work etc.) and the sun gives off much more light here in Brazil.
You spectacles once again enable me to spend hours in such activities as reading, driving my car and watching television without experiencing the occurrence of the usual discomforts previously associated with these. I would like to take this opportunity to express my warmest thanks for the endeavours and persistence you invested in investigating my eyes. This is not something which everyone is prepared to do.
Testimonial from Gabi Strack from Speyer
Before my binocular impairment was corrected by Mr. Peschlow, my eyes were tired and red by as early as midday. I frequently suffered from headaches, and the focus of my vision varied throughout the course of the day.
By far the most unpleasant of the symptoms I suffered was my high degree of sensitivity to light. I even went out in sunglasses in the rain, because otherwise my eyes would smart and water. These discomforts have all disappeared since the correction, and my short-sightedness has not deteriorated. I believe it may even have improved.
I can recommend this examination to anyone. It does not hurt and is of enormous benefit. It also seems to be that Mr. Peschlow is the only advocate of this measuring system in this country. I know this because I move at regular intervals and have never found anyone else. In fact we do not need anyone else. Mr. Peschlow is the best in the business anyway, and Berlin is always worth a visit.
Testimonial from Maria H. from Berlin
I experienced problems with the glasses prescribed for my presbyopia from the very outset. I did not feel that I could see properly. My vision felt blurred, and this resulted in a feeling of insecurity whilst driving and also led to frequent headaches and a considerable deterioration in my general sense of well-being.
I consulted opticians and ophthalmologists on countless occasions, pointing out that there was something wrong with my glasses and that I constantly felt that I had to adjust the way they were sitting. This ultimately resulted in a view that there were probably underlying psychological reasons for my behaviour.
I received prism spectacles from Mr. Peschlow about 10 years ago. Since then, all the ailments described above have disappeared. I felt that I had attained a new quality of life, and this feeling remains down to the present day.
Testimonial from Klaus H. In the autumn of 2002
It all began when I was quite young (approximately 1958), and as so often is the case, no one really knew what the cause was. When I was encouraged to read a book, I only did so for a short time before losing interest and closing my eyes. These ordeals remained, and any interest in reading was strictly confined to what was absolutely necessary for my education and career.
Many years later, sometime in the 1970’s, I heard about Polatest and prism glasses for the first time and decided to try my luck. Unfortunately, my eyes were too strongly corrected at the time, making vision more difficult rather than easier.
I tried again later on, when I really needed spectacles because of both my close-up and distant visual acuity. Success, however, was no more than modest. And then fate brought me to my current optometrist, who provided me with high-quality advice from the outset and won over my confidence. To put it in a nutshell, I am now satisfied.
I have one pair of glasses for reading, another for the computer – one of my favourite pastimes –and a pair of bifocals for distant and close-up vision. My general sense of well-being has improved enormously! Since I can now hardly feel my eyes attempting to look to both sides, I have also become more even-tempered. Shifting the point of focus of my eyes in order to compare figures and texts had always caused headaches before.
Today, the situation is significantly better. I notice that my eyes are more relaxed and do not wander around. I am able to focus on text on both sides. I am extremely grateful to my optician and can only recommend him and his team.
Follow-up report from Klaus H. In the autumn of 2008
The time for new glasses had arrived. My bifocals no longer felt comfortable. I kept wanting to wipe the lenses because I had the impression I was looking through smeared glass, and my eyes were once again experiencing unpleasant pressure in both distant and close-up vision. The spectacles were not, however, smeared.
I therefore made my way to Mr. Peschlow and described my difficulties. He tested my eyes, and I was scarcely able to believe the result. Mr. Peschlow told me that constantly wearing my prism spectacles had improved my visual acuity to such an extent that weaker prisms would now suffice to correct my heterophoria.
In next to no time, I had been fitted with new glasses. I now once again enjoy total clarity of vision, and the unpleasant sensation of pressure has also disappeared. My vision is fine both at distance and when sitting at the computer. I also feel absolutely fine whilst reading, and even longer sessions of reading do not cause any tiredness whatsoever.
Thank you for everything.
Testimonial from Klaus N.
Sudden double vision – heterophoria – suspected stroke
Dear Mr. Peschlow
As you know, on 23 December 2004 and without any prior warning of a deterioration in my vision, I suddenly began to see double (horizontal shift). When this double vision persisted into the next day, I went to see the Accident and Emergency Department at the Steglitz Clinic in Berlin.
I was initially referred to an ophthalmologist, but all she was able to ascertain was that my eyes were no longer correctly aligned. Other disease symptoms were excluded. The neurological tests which followed (CT scan, magnetic resonance imaging test, ambulatory electrocardiography device, cerebrospinal fluid examination) failed to produce any positive results. More detailed tests are currently being conducted on my heart.
Because I have been a long-standing customer of yours, you were the first person we turned to with my visual impairment. You told me that I would regain clarity of vision once you had undertaken extensive diagnostic and consultancy procedures and once you had arranged for the professional manufacture of prismatic multifocal spectacles.
Everything happened as you predicted. I had no problems in adapting to the glasses, which had been made extremely quickly, and could see clearly again. Dizziness no longer occurred, and I no longer felt sick.
I still suffer from double vision when I am not wearing the new spectacles, however. I will follow your advice of doing exercises to try to strengthen the eye muscles.
Having done some research into the topic of heterophoria, I have come to the conclusion that I have been lucky. It is unlikely that I have suffered a stroke. I can only urge anyone reading this to go immediately to a hospital which has specialist stroke facilities if they experience double vision. If a stroke is not diagnosed, the very next step is to come to you.
I wish you the same degree of success as you achieved with my case with all the patients who consult you with their vision problems.